Sunday 27 February 2011

Original Photography For My Music Magazine.

I started to take the images that i might want to use when creating my magazine. These images could be used on the front cover or contents page. I then finalised all the images down to my favourites and the strongest ones. (These are shown on the right.) I thought about the background, the angles, the costuming and the subjects pose when taking these photos. I Incorporated an acoustic guitar in all of my images as this links into the theme and the target audience of my magazine. The people in my photos represent the target audience that would be interested in reading my magazine.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Analysis Of My Own Contents Page.

I made my own contents page on photo-shop for my pre-lim task.

I have used the colours of the text to link in that this magazine is for boys and girls. This follows the theme on from the front cover. I like this idea so when making my final contents page having a theme on the front cover and bringing that into the contents page. Having the writing positioned in front of the images shows that this is the important part of the page, they are the bits that you need to know. As for the text, this relates to target audience. This magazine is for year sevens, therefor the text needs to be cheesy and catchy otherwise they aren't going to bother. I need to remember to aim my text to the target audience as a contents page is there to entice the reader to read on. The page numbers are a different size to the text and a different colour to make it nice, clear and simple to read and to navigate. I have put my logo in the top left corner just so the name sticks in the readers mind, so when telling their friends they can increase the popularity of my magazine.

I took these images with the theme of my magazine in mind that inside im giving tips to be cheeky but stay sensible. The first image on the left shows a lad with a cheeky look about him, he has a smirk that shows he could be hiding something but also has the adorable and innocent look. He is wearing his uniform well with the tips that are in the magazine content. This would prove to the reader that it is possible to look cool in your uniform, making them want to pick up the magazine. Both lads in the photos have their eyes looking straight out of the page at the reader which gives an instant connection again persuading the students to read on. The image on the right this boy is of a younger age linking in with targeted audience. The costuming of him, with the coat shows he is sensible but also cares about how he is presented at school. This represents the readers that would be interested in this magazine.

All together this was good practise to let me think about what i would like to invole when making my contents to my music magazine.