Thursday, 28 April 2011

My Evaluation

^ Here is my evaluation of the whole project in the post it note style, enjoy.

Also have added it in a written form which is below:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My media product follows the forms and conventions of real media product to make my product successful. But at the same time it plays around with these must haves to make my product individual. On my front cover the image has the basic needs of a strong image, the models eyes are looking at the reader making the connection to convince the reader to buy and read the magazine. I bend the conventions with the image as there is a lot going on in the mise-en-scene where as real media products have a plainer background so your focus is with the model. I manage to make this work as the mise-en-scene is also drawing you into the magazine with the bridge making lines heading into the magazine and towards the model this all adds up and achieves the goal of grabbing the audience (I’m told from my audience feedback) The text and fonts all conform the codes and conventions using different sizes colours and fonts but all linking in with the mise-en-scene. However I have used a lot of words on the cover lines to draw the reader in, more than your real magazine cover would use. This is because my magazine has a more personal edge as it’s targeted at a niche market.
My contents page is clearly a contents page with all the codes and conventions such as page numbers, more than one image, something from the front cover connecting the two, different fonts or colours, numbers with the images and finally the date and the issue number. This gives my product the same look and success rate of a real media product. I have developed my contents page to follow all of the codes and conventions of any contents page specifically for an acoustic magazine.
My double page spread plays around with a lot of codes and conventions and has a very unique look, not like every double page spread. I have used two photos as bookends on this page, when this layout would be printed on two A4’s this would look like a classy double page spread. With the photo on either side it gives it a finished look and more interesting for the target audience. The writing is in an informal tone reinforcing the personal feel the magazine has with their readers.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My magazine appeals to one dominant social group this is students. The people how sit back and take life nice slow, not letting people or things get to them. The age 16 – 24 either at sixth form, college or uni. Living a free lifestyle doing whatever interests them and focusing on that. This is represented in each of my front cover, contents page and double page spread. Firstly the masthead itself ‘escape’ showing they don’t have a lot of responsibilities often needing time to escape. The connotations of the colours natural and neutral not in your face, In the contents page again the use of colours and the photos, not overly staged or fake simple nothing to fancy but looks nice, All appealing to the target audience in their social group.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I feel that my magazine would be best distributed by IPC media as they tend to produce magazines that are there for a smaller target readership. They produce other magazines such as NME which again aimed at a more specific audience and had a large influence on decisions I made for my magazine. They deal with multi platform magazines so I could add an online factor to my magazine and maybe even take it to radio once it has really taken off. Even though NME inspired my magazine I have made it different enough that IPC will want to distribute mine as well, my magazine has different elements and opportunities. It has the chance to expand also with a different audience they are bringing in a whole different type of readers who could then be interested in other magazines IPC has to offer, My magazine also having a fashion side broadens the readers and something IPC haven’t got making my magazine interesting to invest in for the future.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
My target audience are a specialist group as you have to have a real interest in acoustic music. A calm person who likes a break, this is represented in the colours on the front cover. Mostly a female audience, with the exception of guys who don’t fit in to the typical stereo-type. The cover lines explain it has a fashion take inside indicating that its mostly females cup of tea. The readers would age between 16-24 this is shown using a young model also the price.
How did you attract/address your audience?
My front cover grabs the reader’s eye using a few technical features. The way my masthead is large spread across the top of the magazine lets everyone know who the magazine and what its about. The use of different fonts draws the attention of the eye to the cover lines which is enough to make them want to read on, the different fonts is a connotation to show the stories aren’t repetitive all interesting. Using words like ‘top’, ‘featuring’ and ‘exclusive’ makes the reader feel special like they are getting the music first, the interviews with famous musicians and stylists first and only the best.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Technology.. this has been an issue while building my coursework. My pre-lim task is on the blog and doesn’t look professional or aesthetically pleasing this is very much reflected on my skill level that I knew about photoshop as time went on I improved. You can see in one of my posts how I managed to transform a weak image into a stronger one. I am now confident with photoshop. Uploading all my coursework to a blog was new to me, I didn’t understand fully how to do it and made a few mistakes at the beginning but I managed to get a grip on it and now can manage the basic’s which is all I need.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
When I made my pre-lim task I didn’t think into the images or the layout it was all very rushed and you cant produce a strong successful front cover without having strong foundations. I learnt from this so when producing my final product I planned my images I took time editing and thinking into my layout to attempt to make my magazine a best seller. I hadn’t looked into the media groups and other similar magazines which is why it looks so unprofessional but before constructing my final front cover contents page and dps I did all that to make it look professional. The pre-lim task was worthwhile.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

How To Show My Evaluation?

As a class we got given a lot of options of how we could present our evaluation and encouraged to come up with our own original way. I took all these ideas on board and decided the one for me was the post it video voice over. I will write out what I have to say then draw the pictures to go with this text and record myself saying it, then add it all together and end up with my final evaluation video.

The Final Products With Improvements Made.

The Front Cover.

The Double Page Spread.

Behind The Image - Front Cover.

I thought I would do a blog entry on how I got to my magazine front cover. I had to do a lot of work changing from my first draft to my final as the photo needed a lot of work.
The model on the front was looking the wrong way and the only other photo i had was a horizontal image that wouldn't have worked for the size of a front cover. I had to cut the end of the first image and put it on the second. Then even that her face was looking forward her eyes were not so I used my photo shop knowledge to add a layer with different eyes to make this image fitting for the front cover. A lot of work went into this image, here is the final image that I went on to use for my front cover and the image I started with.