Friday 3 December 2010

Analysing the second competitor magazine cover.

This is a front cover of an issue of The Company.

I chose the company as one of my competitors because i am linking fashion into my music magazine. It has the unusual fashion that the readers of my magazine would like. I like the way they have some high street brands so more affordable, but then also some of the more classy brands. I would link this into my magazine but would make the fashion i show more at the high street angle. As my ideal reader would be more interested in that then the really expensive clothes.

Price - This issue £2

First issue - 1978

Frenquency - Monthly

Current editor - Victoria White

Website -

Magazine cover analysis :

Colours & Font size:

This front cover has a mixture of font colours yellow and pink. Colours that you wouldn't necessarily think would go well together, this tells the reader that this magazine has unusual clothes that not everyone wears, its individual but still looks good. The font size is different all over the front of the magazine, this makes the reader take a closer look to the front cover and time to read the text. This gives the magazine time to entice the reader into buying the magazine.

The tone:

The tone of this magazine is stylish and sophisticated but subtly cheeky. This means that they have all the fashion information you want and need to know, but has its on unique twist on it that reflects in the reader. I am going to use a similar tone in my magazine, but reversed. Mine is going to be mostly cheeky while subtly wanting to be sophisticated.

The content:

In this magazine they have the up and coming fashion, with celebrities, beauty, relationships and interviews.

The main image:

The main image on this cover is a woman in a fashionable but sexy dress. Showing us that she likes to be fashionable and follow the trends, but she also likes to look appealing to men. Her make up is done lightly but seductively with the smoky eyes look, she doesn't want to stand out too much but wants to be noticed. She is standing very casually angled towards the camera, inviting you into the magazine. I will pick up on some of these techniques and use them when staging my front cover.

The layout:

The layout on this front cover, is very scattered. This gets you interested in the magazine, as it clearly has a lot of information that you might not know. It keeps your eyes busy so they don't get bored and look over the magazine and move to another. This is a clever technique that makes this particular magazine stand out from other magazines.

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