Thursday 27 January 2011

Analysis Of A Mens Lifestyle Magazine Content Page

The magazine FHM is all about things that typical men have in their life. For example fashion, sport, cars, and women. And is very succesfull as the biggest mens monthly lifestyle magazine in the counrty. With the target audience renging between 18 - 40.
On this contents page it has a main image and then the text round the edge. It is pretty straight forward getting straight to the point like the rest of the magazine. It just has the facts, the bits you need to know. With a little teaser to inctice the audience to read on.
The text - This is a clear simply font ans if its possible a manly one while being informative. With the bigger headings above each little sumarry of each article. It gives it a strong layout and look. 'CONTENTS' writen across the top of the page in a powerfull black with the O in whitty red. This gives the title a classy little extra, giving it a flash of colour. Showing that the people reading this magazine would have interesting side to them not just the usual man.
The main image takes up alot of this contents page, and is used as the main thing to draw the readers in after turning over the front cover. The magazine has to keep the readers interested without giving to much away. The image is of Nicole Scherzinger who is the cover star in this issue. The way the image has been taken puts all the focus on her as the background is edited to be out of focus and small than her. This effect gives us the idea that this magazine doesn't focus on the boring background things, just the main attractive one.
With this clear layout nothing can go wrong, they dont have anything risky that could have the potential to disapoint readers. But none the less a strong contents page that has the audience to carrying on reading and coming back for more.

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