Thursday 6 January 2011

Contents page for The Company.

On this particular contents page and usually in the company high street magazine the content page is simple, the layout isn’t busy and full of information and pictures like other magazines. On this page there are four images and then the page numbers and a brief description about the page underneath.

The images are all taken from the inside of the magazine with the page number written on the picture as well so if you see the items of clothing in the photos then you can skip straight to the page and find out where and how much these particular clothes. They have chosen these images out of all the ones in the magazine as three of them out of four are in are from a photo shoot and are in a seductive pose, to entice the reader in as it gives the reader the idea that with these clothes you could look as good as the models. Then you have the odd one out, the photo that hasn’t been staged. Its of a regular girl to show that in this magazine on page number 74 there is a section where they find people that look good when they are shopping and asked to take there picture, showing that this magazine is down to earth and that you don’t need to be a top model or have lots of money to have these clothes.

The writing under the images where they give you the information, the font is a simple smart font, so its not complicated to read and the size is a small font as it looks classy. It makes you not just skip over the page, actually look carefully. The text the tile of the page is written in bold and italics this shows you clearly so you can find the article you want to read. Then next to that there is a brief very brief summary of what you can expect to read on that page. Often using language techniques like alliteration and repetition that would get you interested and sway you into reading it more.

The actual layout is smart and fashionable, its classy there is no mess it’s all there in black and white. It would appeal to its target reader as its stylish and gives you little hints about what’s inside without giving to much away.

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