Thursday 6 January 2011

Double Page Spread Analysis - The Fly

This double page spread is very different to the other, with two big pictures and a lot more text. Its layout is very bold and simple with some bursts of colour. With some sub headings as the writing is on several new bands coming up in 2011.

The title -This page has a small title at the top 'New Bands 2011' which gets the reader interested as everyone wants to be the first to find out information. The reason that it is so small is its just a little teaser to get you interested then they then have a sub heading which is bigger and bolder that is to make sure they have hooked you into the page, 'coming up'. There is then the title of the article, which is longer to inform you about what you will be reading, they use informal language for example the word 'y'know' this would be the type of way the reader would speak so connects with the audience.

The colours - For the writing its all very simple and easy to navigate, with the help of little yellow highlights over the top of the sub headings. Giving the page a little flash of colour. In the big picture the the left of the page, the colours are all based around the brown and yellow tones in a sense keeping him a little hidden he hasn't come into full colours but soon we will see more him, linking in with the point of the text that he will be coming up in 2011.

The images - There are two images on these pages, one single head shot of a man, the other of a more abstract shot of a whole band. These are contrasting as one has bright vibrant colours and the other mono-tone, showing this magazine can have a wide range of readers. The man in the top corner the photo is a close shot showing that people don't have to hide, then the photo in the bottom corner shows that its good to be individual this gives the reader a boost.

The layout - Its a very bold layout, its making a statement. Its very strong this leads us to believe that the text is also strong truthful. Everything has an outline, in a box, keeping it tidy and looks easy to read. With the use of subheadings it separates the separate bands so you can go straight to the one your interested in and looks like there is less to read. Its written in columns to make it appeal to the more mature generation or the reader that wants to be more mature as it resembles a newspaper.

I will take the idea of having a border around the whole page from this double spread as i think it gives the page a nice finish, shows that you have payed attention to detail. Also the idea of keeping everything simple. The strength of this page completes it, i would hope to incorporate that into my pages.

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