Thursday 6 January 2011

Double Page Spread Analysis - The Company

This page has been split into two halves, top and bottom. On the top there are eight images of all the same model. On the first page they have focused on a pair of brown leather trousers, then the same model has worn them in four different ways. Then the same on the following page but with a brocade jacket.

The title 'I cant wear that!' - This is an interesting title as its giving off a negative vibe however that would easily get the readers attention. The font that's its written in reminds me of one from a gossip mag. I like the way they are linking in a gossip magazine with fashion keeps the reader on their toes.

The colours - These pages definitely are based around an Autumn the colours of the clothes and the colour of the background. All based one browns, this always gives off a warm feeling. The black font linking in with some of the black clothes and accessories give it that edge, the edge that keeps from turning over.

The images - Casual, the way they are taken the poses the model is in, the backgrounds its all to give off that casual vibe. Witch runs through the whole magazine, to prove the point that you don't need to be hugely rich to look good or going to anywhere fancy to look good. Looking closer you can see that in all eight photos she isn't smiling, Keeping up the intense look not being to soft to contrast the colours.

The layout - The split across the middle dividing the page in half is a layout i like. It keeps the text and images separate letting the reader clearly read the information. Its also set out like a time line, with lines coming from the images to the text this is implying that you can keep that garment for a long time, learning to wear it different ways as this article shows you. Not only do the pages look similar so we can see they match, the have a strip of text running from one the other. Quickly letting the reader know what is the aim of the page.

All together this is a very good double page spread as the are so similar like a mirror has just been put in the middle, but in fact you are getting a whole page worth of new information. I thins would be very appropriate for the target audience as the are looking for a relaxed version of a high class magazine. I may include the idea of splitting the page in two in my own magazine as i find it very effective and looks professional.

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