Thursday 31 March 2011


Front Cover
- Strong
- Enough to grab your eye sitting on a shelf with other magazines.
- Colours reflect the target audience
- Good use of different font keeps the reader interested
-The modle is very dark compared to the mise en scene
- Missing a / in the date
- Spelling mistake 'stylish
Contents Page
- Correct code and conventions
- Strong colours all linked in well
- Nice use of layout clear and stylish
- Spelling mistake 'subscription'
- Aline photos
- Fill the empty gaps by moving the text around
Double Page Spread
- Strong images each side
- The colours linking in with the contents page and the images
- The correct form of writting for the target audience not to formal
- Move the heading down and bigger
- Move 'Pluto' so it is visible to the reader
- Add the page number along with who wrote the article

Final Draft Double Page Spread

This is my double page spread. I have tried to carry on the colour scheme that i used on my contents page with the title 'pluto' in the same font and colour. The image also follow this colour scheme which is why chose this image. 'Pluto' is also smiling and looking striaght into the camera this makes it harder for the reader to just skip past this page and not read it. The text is using a girly font which represents that this article is written about a girl.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

The Front Cover Re Done

I had to make a few changes on my front cover. I had the basis of it but the finalised details needed some improvement.
The main image of my artist wasn't looking at the camera this wouldn't have attracted the reader to pick up this copy, so i changed the image so she is making eye contact with the reader making that first connection.
The masthead was a little small and hidden so i spread it over the top of the magazine so you could really see it and notice what magazine this is.
I needed the test to stand out more and be more readable so i changed a few of the fonts along with colours and positioned. The actual text had a few to many words in it, so i shortened each extract.
The Promotional image 'only£2' needed to be bigger as that is what is going to make the reader want to buy mine more than other magazines on the rack.
I changed the overall colours of the whole thing as it looked a little boring and needed some bright colours to make it stand out.

Monday 14 March 2011

The Final Draft Of My Contents Page.

Here is the final draft of my contents page. I have added the essentials such as the masthead, the date, the issue number and information about subscription.I have put the masthead at the top of the page as a reminder of the magazine that the reader have so this is inprinted in their brain. But it is smaller as the real focus should be on the heading contents this is helped with the colour red.The date and the issue number is so the reader can keep track of the magazines and to know if they have the latest issue.The information about subscription is so the reader knows that they have potential to subscribe and the money they would save with the page they could find this on. This then completes my contents page.

Sunday 13 March 2011

The Second Draft Of My Contents Page

This is my second draft of my contents page.
As i did allot on the first draft i didn't have a lot to do on this one, I changed a few spelling mistakes that i had made at the beginning.
I then added the strip across the bottom with an extra heading. This is for the review, in the magazine each month who ever is main feature (on the front cover) we would get a more personal profile the artist/band and there views on other music. With the pale red back ground linking in with the colour scheme.

The First Draft Of My Contents Page

This is my first draft of my contents magazine. I have kept a colour theme throughout this page., with the reds blacks and creams. This makes it look professional and appealing to the readers eye. The colours are also in keeping with the neutral look of the front cover.
The numbers being in red and the letters in black draw the readers attention to the numbers which is the part of information they need to know to skip to the right page. The little extract to tempt the reader are short and sweet. i have also put into bold certain words so they can immediately see what each section is about. i chose the words that would be most like to persuade the reader to go to that page. I decided to put the pages under separate headings as after i did some research on contents pages a few had this and i thought it look sophisticated.
The images are similar to link in with the scheme of the page to show i have planned this page when taking the images. I have simply just edited the colours on both images to match.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Here is the final draft of my magazine front cover.

The image.
I took this image at the river in Cobham. With the trees showing a natural environment like the type of music acoustic is. I then changed the colours of this image to create a neutral look of this image, again linking in with the overall feel of the music and the magazine its a relaxed look and feel that will continue the whole way through.

I styled her with the guitar in its case on her back to show the type of reader that will be interested in this magazine. Linking back into the mood board and the day in the life of a reader, as the reader would always be on the go what ever the weather rain or shine.

With the bridge leading into the centre of the magazine, where she is this is drawing the reader to open and reads more into the magazine. It allows the text to be around the edge with covering the important parts of the image.

The text.
The chose to change the font with each puff as it adds a more textured look. Each font represents the text that is there. With different sizes it allows each bit to attract the reader separately.

The important extras.
I finally had to add on the barcode as its a technical must have and the date just under the strap line. I put the date in grey as its separate to the rest of the magazine and a fact. This will be the same on every magazine.

Friday 4 March 2011

The Second Draft Of My Magazine Front Cover.

Here is my second draft for my final magazine cover.

I have added some more puffs on the front down the sides, the first one is on the right top. This is to give the reader a little taster of the top story inside. With the 'featuring' in a different font and bigger it really stands put to the reader so if they wanted to know straight away from the front cover who was featured in this magazine they know immediately where to look.
The other one i added blending into the shape of the bridge. This i thought was a good technique as its drawing you into the image and then further into the magazine. I change the colour of the font to mix it up a bit but kept a simple colour to follow up with the feel of the magazine. The actual words are about the fashion part of my magazine but the type of fashion the reader would be interested in not the advice to make the reader look overly girly or fake, this fashion advice is links music and fashion together.

The First Draft Of My Magazine Front Cover.

This is my first draft for my music magazine cover, i have got the mast head strap line and the first puff ready to draw the reader in to the magazine, i focused this puff on to the style side of the magazine.

The masthead is bold at the top, with a bit of a shadow behind it. This font is a subtle font linking in with the style of the magaizne and the music. This magazine is not an in your face, grab your attention unless this is what you are looking for. The colours are plain to look proffesional.

The strap line, the small words written under the masthead to confirm what this magazine is about and to get the reader interested. Acoustic jmusic is usually used as a get away. Using the word escape reenforces the mast head. With the 'sound of acoustic' following so the reader knows exactly what will be in this magazine.

I had put on the little price tag, its in a yellow to stand out from the magazine as this is the only thing that the reader will need to see straight away to show of the fact its a bargin to make the reader interested.