Friday 4 March 2011

The Second Draft Of My Magazine Front Cover.

Here is my second draft for my final magazine cover.

I have added some more puffs on the front down the sides, the first one is on the right top. This is to give the reader a little taster of the top story inside. With the 'featuring' in a different font and bigger it really stands put to the reader so if they wanted to know straight away from the front cover who was featured in this magazine they know immediately where to look.
The other one i added blending into the shape of the bridge. This i thought was a good technique as its drawing you into the image and then further into the magazine. I change the colour of the font to mix it up a bit but kept a simple colour to follow up with the feel of the magazine. The actual words are about the fashion part of my magazine but the type of fashion the reader would be interested in not the advice to make the reader look overly girly or fake, this fashion advice is links music and fashion together.

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