Friday 4 March 2011

The First Draft Of My Magazine Front Cover.

This is my first draft for my music magazine cover, i have got the mast head strap line and the first puff ready to draw the reader in to the magazine, i focused this puff on to the style side of the magazine.

The masthead is bold at the top, with a bit of a shadow behind it. This font is a subtle font linking in with the style of the magaizne and the music. This magazine is not an in your face, grab your attention unless this is what you are looking for. The colours are plain to look proffesional.

The strap line, the small words written under the masthead to confirm what this magazine is about and to get the reader interested. Acoustic jmusic is usually used as a get away. Using the word escape reenforces the mast head. With the 'sound of acoustic' following so the reader knows exactly what will be in this magazine.

I had put on the little price tag, its in a yellow to stand out from the magazine as this is the only thing that the reader will need to see straight away to show of the fact its a bargin to make the reader interested.

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