Tuesday 22 March 2011

The Front Cover Re Done

I had to make a few changes on my front cover. I had the basis of it but the finalised details needed some improvement.
The main image of my artist wasn't looking at the camera this wouldn't have attracted the reader to pick up this copy, so i changed the image so she is making eye contact with the reader making that first connection.
The masthead was a little small and hidden so i spread it over the top of the magazine so you could really see it and notice what magazine this is.
I needed the test to stand out more and be more readable so i changed a few of the fonts along with colours and positioned. The actual text had a few to many words in it, so i shortened each extract.
The Promotional image 'only£2' needed to be bigger as that is what is going to make the reader want to buy mine more than other magazines on the rack.
I changed the overall colours of the whole thing as it looked a little boring and needed some bright colours to make it stand out.

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